Multi-award winning fashion house Sania Maskatiya showcased the S/S’18 Luxury Prét collection, Colour Dash, as the opening day finale for PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week 2018. The showcase was complemented by jewellery from Allure by MHT with footwear from Charles & Keith and music by Dj Shah Munir.



This showcase came hot on the heels of Sania Maskatiya’s Lux Style Award win for their Achievement in Fashion Design – Luxury Prét last month. This Spring/Summer, eclectic colour combinations become the playfulness of form against monochrome for Sania Maskatiya’s Luxury Prét Collection, Colour Dash. This juxtaposition weaves poetry within the interplay of colours. The fashion house bring their signature asymmetrical cut-lines and drapes composed of a myriad of colours in patchwork silhouettes with bold craftsmanship and class that characterizes the Sania Maskatiya woman.

