Sonam kapoor tied the knot with a Delhi-based fashion and a lifestyle entrepreneur anand Ahuja in a private fairytale wedding yesterday followed by a grand reception party at The Leela Hotel, Mumbai. Sonam kapoor was adorned in an Anuradha Vakil red leghna coupled with heavy jewelry.  The groom looked handsome in a regal Raghuvendra Rathore outfit paired with pink jewels around his neck.

Doesn’t she look beautiful?

And here is an adorable photograph of the trending couple from B-town getting married,

They look so Happy together!

Sonam is as candid and as refreshing as it can get. Look how cute she looks here struggling with her jewelry,

Now lets have a look at the other highlights of the wedding/reception. Yes you got that right! The glamorous stars who attended the wedding and made it so much more exciting for us!

The fun duo of Ranveer Singh and Arjun kapoor simply stole the show with their hilarious performances at the wedding. We couldnt help but be reminded of their combo on Koffee with karan that had us in fits!

and another memorable duo, Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan! how exciting!

The reception became so much more fun with Ranveer’s energy level!

So how did all the celebs look ?

Ashwariya and Shilpa kept it elegant in a grey attire,

Just look how stunning kathrina Kaif looks!

The gorgeous Kapoor cousins wore a Manish Malhotra attire,

Kareena was glowing in her pink pastel lenga,

Ali bhatt looked young and fresh in her Parrot green lehnga,

and last but not the least you need to Check out sonam’s dress for her reception party, doesn’t she look hot?

We wish the newly wed couple a happy marriage!
