This Louis Vuitton Neverfull is by far one of my favorite bags and, if your budget allows, is a great investment piece. I bought this bag two years back from Holt Renfrew and I think it is still the most versatile and classic piece in the market, and I don’t foresee it going away anytime soon.

I’ve mentioned over and over again that I’m a sucker for handbags. I can find great clothes in any price range, but when it comes to the purses that I buy, I tend to gravitate towards higher end pieces. That being said, I definitely research every purse before purchase to make sure that I’m making an educated decision with the investment.

The Louis Vuitton ‘Neverfull’ prices range from $1,180-$1,340. There are several variations of the Neverfull canvas, but the Damier Ebene CanvasDamier Azur Canvas, and Monogram are amongst the most popular. All of the Neverfull’s come with a removable, zippered clutch that has the same canvas and interior as the purse itself.

I have always had this impulse of overusing something if I love it. Whether its my favorite restaurant, meal, movie, or clothing store, If I love it, you will find me there nonstop and honestly I just can’t get enough of this bag.

In general, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull is an iconic, luxury bag and In all honesty, I feel that any lady who is a lover of luxury goods, and handbags should own at least one size, of this bag.

Love, Nayab Chattha
