Veteran musician and Strings band-member Bilal Maqsood has curated and directed a new digital music series titled ‘VELO Sound Station 2020’ that will be available on YouTube.
VELO Sound Station 2020 which is spread over five episodes with 2-3 three songs per session (14songs in total) and released every Friday debuted on November. 20, 2020
The first three artists featured on Friday November 20th’s debut episode include Atif Aslam dressed in a glittery cobalt blue suit with the lilting pop-anthem “Kadi To Hans Bol’ a song everyone’s been waiting for and rightfully so. Atif’s powerhouse vocals paired with Naseebo Lal’s captivating lyrics give this number a new life. Atif Aslams magical performance with a slick new look and vibe renders ‘Kadi Te Has’ into a pop song that is here to stay and, dare we say, slay!
Alamgir sahib’s song gets a modern twist in Umair Jaswal’s version of the classic ‘Gagar ‘ which will have you dancing to the beat. If we didn’t already love the original dandia number Velo Sound Station’s rendition made us fall in love with this song all over again!
Umair Jaswal donning a vibrant truck art jacket and playing to the cosmopolitan audience with his strong vocals and infectious energy renders ‘Gagar’ iinto a fun and lively number with a great beat and punch that will force you to get on your feet and dance to the mood -lifter which is undoubtedly the party song of the year!
Are you ready for a nostalgic nod to the 80s? Natasha Noorani’s sweet and soft vocals transport you to the days of Disco with her original number, ‘Baby Baby.’ This song’s amazingly groovy vibe and Natasha’s funky look in a blush pink pant suit takes you back to the classic times of Pop. This song will definitely be playing on repeat on your playlists.
In the future ,featured music will be a combination of covers and originals,buoyed by a distinctive musical identity that is current and energizing -from groovy tunes to rap – and will dovetail with contemporary fashion that together create today’s Pop Culture enjoyed by Pakistani urban adults buoyed “by self-exploration in terms of music, fashion and lifestyles.”
Artists and producers featured on the show will range from emerging acts, popular artists with several songs composed by Bilal Maqsood while others brought to the show by the featured artists.
Velo Sound stations is ostensibly a platform that hopes to revive and energize Pop Music as well as an arbiter and initiator of future pop cultural trends in music and fashion.
Velo’s Sound Station’s slogan “Pop Dont Stop’ is a manifestation of what Velo Sound Station stands for. The phrase serves as a chant for the masses because it connects the audience to their daily lives and values. Music, fashion and a complete Pop-culture lifestyle with the added perk of being able to witness one’s preferences as part of the audience.
Bilal Maqsood has said that the upcoming series is “very audio-visual in terms of dynamics with Pop fashion as an underlying theme; and songs with a very performance-based element to them with movement on stage and a surrounding, energetic crowd. “
– Watch out for the upcoming songs to be released on Friday November 27th on the digital Pop Cultural music series VELO SOUND STATION 2020
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