When it comes to beauty blogging, Momina Hashim is one of those young budding bloggers who have a knack at doing spectacular makeup! She is Dubai-based and currently studying in the UK. Her blog is called Lip blur that focuses mainly on makeup tips and tricks, health and beauty related secrets, fashion trends and fitness regimes.
You have become an inspiration for the youth. What has been your inspiration?
My inspirations have definitely been my mom and grandmother. They are women of great substance and have taught me everything I know to make me into the person I am. Their personalities vary greatly from one another which made me understand and learn from their unique personalities and experiences. They have never limited me and always encouraged me to move forward in life.
You are currently a student at Warwick University as well. How do you manage that and your social life?
Honestly, it becomes very difficult to balance my social life and my academics but for me it’s consequential that I experience everything to the fullest. I love to push myself out of my comfort zone which helps me deal with all kinds of challenges. I’ve been told by many people that university is the best time of your life so I don’t want to miss out on any of the fun.
What inspired you to start your own blog and how has your journey been so far?
My friends and family pushed me to start the blog. I had no idea what makeup was until I was 17, but when I discovered more about it, I knew I loved it. There came a point where mutual friends used to message me asking, “Tell me about a good foundation?” or “I heard about this product, do you think it’s worth it?” then my close friends started opening my eyes to this idea by saying, “Make a blog already Momina!” and here we are.
Were you always a Camera Person?
No, not really. It’s been weird for me because I’m innately a shy person and to talk in front of the camera, take “posey” pictures and post the videos online was just an awkward experience for me. But when I generate content I genuinely like, it makes me get over all of my reservations.
What do you like and hate about being a blogger?
I love talking about makeup and food so interacting with people who have similar interests fascinates me. I love that people engage with my content and give their opinions about the things I’m posting. It’s truly delightful when someone loves the same products as me or hates it. I hate the commercialization aspect of this field where it doesn’t matter if you’re posting quality content or not. It just has to be more in number and cause a stir on social media.
Do you follow all fashion trends or you believe in having your own style statement?
It’s so important to have your own sense of style because trends come and go, and often depend on the place that you live in. When I was residing in Pakistan, trends were extremely different from those in Dubai or the UK. So just pick and choose whatever you like not what people around you are wearing or what magazines tell you to wear in order to stay fashionable.
What do you think is unique about you being a blogger?
I tend not to fall into that trap of having to post too often, or about other famous people. I focus mostly on things I like whether that’s makeup, food, clothes or music. I view my blog as a collection of things I’m into rather than as a source of constant self-promotion.
You are doing almost everything young girls and women want to do these days. Is there anything you still look forward to do in life or are passionate about?
My dream is to have a makeup company of my own one day, and make it into something amazing, so much so that it stands out from the rest. That’s literally the only thing in life I’m deeply passionate about. There are other things I love travelling but all of that is secondary to me right now.
Did you ever think of acquiring this as a profession?
I never thought I would be a blogger because I was such a tom boy growing up; I started to put on makeup when I was 17, imagine. Blogging is fun because you are your own boss and it’s empowering for me.
Some inspirational words you want to share with girls who are interested in starting something new, perhaps a blog?
Or will say, just start and let things flow.
What you do is your business; everyone else is just there for the ride. You feel me?
Favorite trend this season?
Over-sized clothes, for sure! From over-sized shirts to trousers to sweatshirts. I dig it all!
Your style Icons?
I love Rihanna, the Kardashians (why lie), and honestly Millie Bobby Brown from stranger things is amazing.
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